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News within the last hour...(4)

Cabinet Office news
“Trailblazing” councils save millions working with government counter fraud squad
Cabinet Office
Tuesday 16 July 2024 @ 11:25

Minister Neville-Rolfe yesterday convened counter fraud experts representing 13 local authorities across the country to share best practice in the fight on fraud.

Cabinet Office | Official News Release
“Trailblazing” councils save millions working with government counter fraud squad
Buckingham Palace news
The King and Queen visit the Channel Islands
Buckingham Palace
Tuesday 16 July 2024 @ 11:20

The King and Queen are on a two-day visit to the Channel Islands, carrying out engagements in Jersey on Monday and Guernsey on Tuesday. The visit highlights the special and historic relationship between the Channel Islands and the Royal Family, which stretches back centuries.

Buckingham Palace | Official News Release
The King and Queen visit the Channel Islands
Crown Prosecution Service news
Antisemitic TikTok terrorist jailed for encouraging terrorism and sharing material
Crown Prosecution Service
Tuesday 16 July 2024 @ 11:15

A terrorist who used social media platforms such as TikTok to encourage terrorism has been jailed for four years. 

Crown Prosecution Service | Official News Release
Antisemitic TikTok terrorist jailed for encouraging terrorism and sharing material
Sport England news
Statement on government's plans after recent England successes
Sport England
Tuesday 16 July 2024 @ 11:05

After the Three Lions’ achievement of reaching the UEFA EURO 2024 on Sunday night, the government has published its plans to ensure the team's legacy

Sport England | Official News Release
Statement on government's plans after recent England successes

News alerts from earlier today...(10)

Transport for London news
TfL and Hounslow Council set out plans to extend Cycleway 9
Transport for London
Tuesday 16 July 2024 @ 11:10

Proposals to extend Cycleway 9 would make it easier for people to access local amenities and public transport, connecting Brentford town centre and key stations

Transport for London | Official News Release
TfL and Hounslow Council set out plans to extend Cycleway 9
WiredGov Newswire (news from other organisations) news
Unicef- The Gambia’s decision to uphold ban on FGM critical win for girls’ and women’s rights
WiredGov Newswire (news from other organisations)
Tuesday 16 July 2024 @ 10:25

Joint statement by UNICEF Executive Director, Catherine Russell, UNFPA Executive Director, Natalia Kanem, WHO Director-General, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, UN Women Executive Director, Sima Bahous, and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk 

WiredGov Newswire (news from other organisations) | Official News Release
Unicef- The Gambia’s decision to uphold ban on FGM critical win for girls’ and women’s rights
Solicitors Regulation Authority news
SRA named one of Britain's top 20 LGBT-inclusive employers
Solicitors Regulation Authority
Tuesday 16 July 2024 @ 10:20

We have been recognised for our commitment to supporting LGBTQ+ staff and customers after reaching number 11 on Stonewall's Top 100 Employers list for 2024.

Solicitors Regulation Authority | Official News Release
SRA named one of Britain's top 20 LGBT-inclusive employers
Insolvency Service news
Lincolnshire eel protection business shut down after loan abuse
Insolvency Service
Tuesday 16 July 2024 @ 10:15

Court winds-up company after Insolvency Service uncovers evidence of government loan abuse

Insolvency Service | Official News Release
Lincolnshire eel protection business shut down after loan abuse
Think Tanks news
IPPR - Labour’s new coalition demand bold action on economy, climate change and workers’ rights
Think Tanks
Tuesday 16 July 2024 @ 10:10

First-of-its-kind analysis of who voted for Labour and what they want finds a coalition backing bold action on the economy, finds IPPR and Persuasion UK

Think Tanks | Official News Release
IPPR - Labour’s new coalition demand bold action on economy, climate change and workers’ rights
Innovate UK news
AI robot for chemical and biological incidents secures £1 million
Innovate UK
Tuesday 16 July 2024 @ 10:05

A UK start-up is developing an artificial intelligence (AI) robot that will perform critical tasks in environments too hazardous for humans.

Innovate UK | Official News Release
AI robot for chemical and biological incidents secures £1 million
Association for Project Management news
A beginner’s guide to project reviews - everything you wanted to know but were too afraid to ask
Association for Project Management
Tuesday 16 July 2024 @ 09:20

The SWWE Regional Network were very pleased to welcome back to Bristol Roy Millard, of APM’s Assurance Interest Group on 9 July 2024, to talk about project reviews and hopefully answer all your questions.

Association for Project Management | Official News Release
A beginner’s guide to project reviews - everything you wanted to know but were too afraid to ask
Insolvency Service news
Court winds-up Manchester firm offering unlicensed insolvency practitioner services
Insolvency Service
Tuesday 16 July 2024 @ 09:15

Manchester-based company believed to be offering insolvency practitioner services when it was not authorised to do so is wound-up in court.

Insolvency Service | Official News Release
Court winds-up Manchester firm offering unlicensed insolvency practitioner services
Think Tanks news
King's Fund - Mission possible? The government’s overarching goal for reducing inequalities in healthy life expectancy
Think Tanks
Tuesday 16 July 2024 @ 09:10

There is new energy and optimism in health policy. That is much needed. And while much of the public and media framing has been about a broken NHS and the ‘NHS Plan’, for understandable reasons, arguably the biggest commitment in the new government’s health policy is its commitment to tackling health inequalities.

Think Tanks | Official News Release
King's Fund - Mission possible? The government’s overarching goal for reducing inequalities in healthy life expectancy
Innovate UK news
UK-Switzerland collaborations announced for emerging technology projects
Innovate UK
Tuesday 16 July 2024 @ 09:05

Twenty six innovative projects to enhance UK and Swiss collaborations and capabilities in the emerging fields of technology have been announced.

Innovate UK | Official News Release
UK-Switzerland collaborations announced for emerging technology projects

News from the past week...(129)

Webinar Recording: Derby City Council AI Transformation Showcase Webinar