WGPlus (Archive)

A problem that generates strong emotions
New tools & advice to help farmers protect their herds from TB have been unveiled as part of a new campaign to help eradicate bovine TB.  All advice on bovine TB is now available from one single website. is the ‘go-to’ place for British beef & dairy farmers to find practical advice covering everything from biosecurity measures to understanding trading rules.  The cross-industry campaign will also promote a new Bovine TB Biosecurity 5-Point Plan to improve disease prevention on farm and in the cattle trade.
Researched Links:

Defra:  Bovine TB biosecurity plan & information hub launched

WAG:  Badger vaccination underway in IAA

WAG:  Grant available for markets to upgrade facilities to display animals TB history

New measures to strengthen bovine TB strategy

Plans to eradicate bovine TB in England unveiled

Enhancing Prisoner Rehabilitation: The Role of Serco