WGPlus (Archive)

Better to act before mistakes are repeated

In a report published last week, the Law Commissions of England & Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland recommend a new UK-wide single statute for the regulation of health & social care professionals that would provide regulators with new powers & duties, and set them a clear main objective of protecting the public.

 In the UK there are 9 separate regulatory bodies responsible for around 1.4m professionals working in 32 different health & social care roles.  The Commissions’ report makes recommendations in relation to 8 of these bodies, including the General Medical Council, General Dental Council, General Pharmaceutical Council, Health Professions Council and Nursing & Midwifery Council.

Under the Commissions’ recommended reforms, regulators would be empowered to investigate proactively instances of suspected poor conduct & practice whenever such concerns come to their attention.  At the moment, some can investigate only when they receive a formal complaint.

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