WGPlus (Archive)

Deficit reduction is not all about raising taxes, reducing services or cutting benefits

Ministers are clear town halls no longer have the luxury of procuring waste management equipment in isolation and therefore must work together to deliver a better deal for local taxpayers. A report has found £70m could be saved by town halls every year simply through better procurement and more standardised processes.

It said every wheeled bin in England costs an estimated £5 more than it does in Germany, therefore a council splashing out on 50,000 branded bins could be wasting £250,000 of local taxpayer’s money.  The report suggested potential savings of up to 10% on refuse trucks and more than a third (35%) on bins could be achieved through clearer specification and procuring in larger volumes with other councils.

Researched Links:

CLG:  Better bin buying would save £70m every year, says report

Make a bonfire of wasteful practices

WAG:  University & Hospital show Minister how Invest to Save is helping them deliver more efficient services

Check out what Aylesbury Vale Council achieved

Get ready for CSSC Active Wellbeing Autumn (AWA)