WGPlus (Archive)

How did we (& especially the GMP) let this become the ‘new social norm’!

Child sexual exploitation is a ‘real and ongoing problem’ that has become a new social norm in some neighbourhoods of Greater Manchester, the Coffey Report concludes.   This will not be tackled unless there is a sea change in public attitudes away from a culture of blaming children and young people for bringing about their own sexual exploitation.

Ms Coffey recommends a radical new approach to tackling CSE to be led by young people, which recognises that the police, justice system and children’s services alone cannot succeed in protecting children, especially at a time of deep spending cuts.  She expressed concern that the Crown Prosecution Service highlighted that one victim wore cropped tops and that another had been described as a ‘slag’ by her father in cases that were declared “No Further Action”.

Figures obtained from Greater Manchester Police as part of the inquiry reveal that many children are still being preyed on.  There are 260 ongoing police investigations into child sexual exploitation.  This includes 174 recorded crimes, of which 18 involve multiple perpetrators.

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