WGPlus (Archive)

Is joined-up care really about to happen?
The national new care models programme brings together local health & care systems as vanguards to radically redesign care for the local populations they serve.  As part of this work, NHS England has set out details of a new frameworkintegrated primary and acute care systems – Describing the care model & business model – Paul Mears, Chief Executive, Yeovil Hospital and local GP, Dr Berge Balian – both members of South Somerset Symphony Programme vanguard (@Symphonyproj) – take a look at what the proposals could mean.
Researched Links:

NHS England:  Two local vanguard leaders explain what it means to be an integrated primary and acute care system (PACS)

Integrated primary & acute care systems – Describing the care model & business model

General Practice Forward View

CAB:  Green paper “an opportunity to link up health & welfare”

NHS England announces major boost for general practice

NHS Confederation:  New panel to reduce the burden of bureaucratic red tape in health & social care

NHS England:  Why population health analytics will be vital for the vanguards

Elements of care should not be provided in isolation

Healthcare models of the future NHS

Invitation to ‘tool-up’ for better care

Hardly ‘rocket science’ so why is it taking so long

Latest Guide: Key Insights for Creating a Robust Public Sector Workforce