WGPlus (Archive)
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People with long-term conditions in 37 areas across England are next in line to receive person-centred support to manage their own care, thanks to the roll-out of an evidence-based tool over the next 5 years. The Patient Activation Measure (PAM) is a validated tool which captures the extent to which people feel engaged and confident in taking care of their health & wellbeing, helping professionals tailor support to better meet their needs. NHS England agreed a deal to grant 1.8m people access to the tool as part of its developing Self Care Support programme, and invited local NHS organisations & their partners to apply to use them in their areas. 37 bids – including a number of new care model vanguards and sites working as part of the Integrated Personal Commissioning (IPC) Programme – have now been confirmed, which will see use of the tool spread across England and applied to help improve care and outcomes for a variety of different patient groups. For example:
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NHS England: 37 areas to lead rollout of tool to deliver person-centred care |