WGPlus (Archive)

Joined-up care by law

The Health & Social Care (Safety & Quality) Act 2015 that aims to improve safety & quality of care has received Royal Assent.  Among the measures introduced by the act is a duty on health & adult social care providers to share information about a person’s care with other health & care professionals. This means that doctors and other professionals providing a person’s care and treatment will have the information they need so they can treat patients more effectively.

Relevant health & adult social care bodies will also be required to use a consistent identifier - the NHS Number - when processing and/or sharing information about an individual for their direct care. This will enable better connection of health & care records as people move between services, so relevant information is shared, meaning safer and better aligned care.

Researched Links:

DH:  Safer care for patients

But are the NHS & LAs flexible enough to make the necessary changes to service delivery?

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