WGPlus (Archive)

Like removing a plaster; it hurts less if you do it quickly

Plans for a swift & straightforward British exit from the EU have been drawn up by a group of senior former ministers and circulated to the PM and her key advisers.   The so-called Brexit Blueprint declares that Britain could complete its withdrawal from the EU well within the 2-year maximum time limit laid down by Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty and that negotiations over a future trade deal with Brussels can be “short and simple”.

In precis, when the government triggers Article 50, it should;

*Bring forward a Bill repealing the 1972 European Communities Act and converting EU law into British law

*Leave it open to this government & its successors to scrap aspects of EU law not considered in the UK’s interests

*The Blueprint also envisages a ‘take it or leave it’ attitude to trade talks with the EU the onus on the remaining 27 members of the EU either to accept the current arrangements or insist on a WTO deal.

*On immigration, the Blueprint proposes a work permit & cap system to control the numbers of EU migrants coming to the UK – the same as applied to the rest of the world.  Students, EU tourists and intra-company transfers would be exempt.

*Introduce a work permit & cap system for immigration from both EU & non-EU countries, with no migrants being eligible for in work or out of work benefits until they have lived in the country for 5 years, or made National Insurance payments over a 4-year period.

Researched Links:

CSJ:  Britain could be out of the EU in less than 2 years, according to ex-ministers’ blueprint

Editorial Commentary: Brexit may prove beneficial, but it's more complicated than you think

Open Europe:  Securing free trade with EU after Brexit likely in goods sectors but far harder for services

Civitas:  EU share of UK exports is in dramatic decline, new analysis shows

Civitas:  Treasury warning about impact of Brexit ignores published evidence

RUSI:  Negotiating Britain’s EU Departure - From Tears to Hard-Headed Calculations

IEA:  Leave or remain: the two best paths to economic freedom

Open Europe:  What if...? The consequences, challenges and opportunities facing Britain outside the EU

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