WGPlus (Archive)

Only the highest standards are good enough
Nicky Morgan has ‘cemented’ the government’s commitment to social justice with a raft of new measures to ensure every child leaves school with world-class qualifications in crucial academic subjects.  The move marks the final stage of reform to GCSEs and follows reforms to the education system - with 1m+ more children now in ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ schools, than in 2010.
Researched Links:

DfE:  New reforms to raise standards and improve behaviour

DfE:  Preparing children for a successful future through the Ebacc

Nicky Morgan hails inspection figures as a cause for celebration

Study into non-educational barriers to top jobs published

Most jobs DON’T & WON'T require a Degree, but they will be 'backed' by qualifications

Are there other & better alternatives than just ‘Bring back Grammar Schools’?

Get ready for CSSC Active Wellbeing Autumn (AWA)