WGPlus (Archive)

Our defence in the Cyber (not so Cold) War
On 14 February 2017, the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) was officially opened by Her Majesty The Queen.  A new NCSC report is intended as a snapshot in time that dives into the past, present & future of cyber security in the UK rather than a comprehensive testimony of the work that they will do.
Researched Links:

National Cyber Security Centre:  The launch of the NCSCNCSC:  Director GCHQ welcomes HM the Queen at the official opening of the NCSC

NCSC:  Britain to enter 'new era of online opportunity'

NCSC:  Ciaran Martin outlines how the NCSC aims to reduce the cyber threat

HMT:  Chancellor's speech at the NCSC opening

Office of the Secretary of State for Wales:  UK’s national cyber security centre to help improve skills in Wales

FCO:  "Not intent simply with killing innocents, terrorists seek to destabilise, demoralise, and disrupt our way of life"

BCS warns SMEs to protect themselves as cyber-attacks rise

HP Enterprise White paper – The Business of Hacking

QUALYS - One-Click Website Vulnerability Healthcheck: How Safe & Secure is Your Website?

Need to take action?

Not an obvious target, but data could provide access to more important systems

And the results cannot come a moment too soon

One hopes the training will include how to stay ‘cyber-secure’

ICT security costs money, but lack of it costs even more

Less physical violence but emotionally the damage is just as great and can ‘ruin’ retirement plans, etc.

AXELOS - My passwords are as old as I am (almost): a brief reflection on a LinkedIn hack

Unisys:  Government Data is Under Siege: Latest Industry Insight on Challenges Facing Public Sector

Constant threat is the new norm for digital organisations; even charities!

If it works and is ‘secure’

Ensuring the safety of the UK

Some terrorists don’t need guns & bombs

Not all terrorist threats involve violence

Global trade requires global standards of security

Not if, but when

Should the cost of National Cyber Defence be classified as part of the Armed Services?

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