WGPlus (Archive)

Prepare or ‘Meet thy Doom’ from 2018

Socitm suggests that councils should look at the information governance arrangements they currently have in place and prepare for the enforcement of the new regulations that are likely to be in place from 2018.  Supplier organisations should equally be planning for more demanding compliance enquiries from their customers in local public service delivery, and from the citizen/business users of those services too.

In its new briefing, Data protection: <Control><All><Delete>?, Socitm sets out details of the forthcoming changes and warns that compliance with some aspects of the new legislative framework could be difficult.  IT professionals are therefore advised to start work on getting their information governance functions prepared to update information strategies, so that they are compliant across the full information lifecycle from ‘create’ to ‘archive’ and ‘destroy’.

Researched Links:

SOCITM:  Councils should review information governance arrangements ahead of impending changes to data protection & online privacy laws

Editorial Commentary: Do you know your GDPR from your DPA 1998?

ICO:  Statement in response to Burns Commission report

Your reputation is at risk if you don’t keep data safe, ICO warns

ICO launches new data protection self-assessment tool for SMEs

Rights for the Future: ICO plan 2016-2019

ICO given new powers to audit NHS

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