WGPlus (Archive)

Protecting our ‘future’

New measures to make giving birth safer, including maternity safety funding and publishing maternity ratings, have been announced.  The safer maternity care action plan, designed to dramatically improve the safety of maternity care in the NHS, was announced by the Health Secretary on 17 October 2016.

The new measures will provide resources for trusts to improve their approach to maternity safety, including £8m for multi-disciplinary training, with at least £40,000 available to each NHS trust in England. They also will make sure lessons are learned from mistakes & shared openly and transparently across the NHS. We will also consult on how to change the litigation culture, which can prevent openness & transparency, by taking views on a new voluntary compensation scheme as an alternative to costly legal processes.

Researched Links:

DH:  Improving the safety of maternity care in the NHS

NHS England:  Second round of funding aims to improve maternity services through patient feedback

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