WGPlus (Archive)

Protecting the liberty of those who are less able to protect themselves
In a consultation, the Law Commission are considering the existing Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS), and how they can be replaced with a new scheme that achieves better, more appropriate outcomes for people with care & support needs and reduces unnecessary burdens on local councils and the NHS.   It is also considering the safeguards that are necessary for those receiving care & treatment at home and in other family and domestic settings.
Researched Links:

Law Commission: Providing protective care to people unable to consent to treatment

Personal liberty is a right for everyone not convicted of a crime (& currently serving a sentence)

Increasing numbers of vulnerable people protected

New Mental Health Act code of practice

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) process in Wales needs to be more streamlined

What does Adult Social Care look like across CQC's new ratings?

LGA and ADASS warn changes to safeguarding rules could take £88 million from care budgets

CQC to do more checks on the use of Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards

CQC finds Mental Capacity Act not well understood across all sectors and calls for more work by providers and commissioners to improve

Some care homes and hospitals are still not meeting their obligations on liberty safeguards, says CQC

Report on liberty safeguards published  – (consultation closes on 2 November 2015)

Get ready for CSSC Active Wellbeing Autumn (AWA)