WGPlus (Archive)

The birth of better services?
Maternity services have been invited to bid for money from a new Challenge Fund aimed at finding innovative ways to use patient feedback to improve services.  Emails with full details have gone out to chief executives of all trusts inviting them to put in their bids to be among the 2 to 4 projects that will get funding for their initiative from the £195,000 available.  The #MatExp Challenge Fund aims to explore innovative ways to make better use of patient insight to deliver improved services.  It is not about further collections of data but about finding new ways to use the feedback that trusts are already collecting to generate change and add value for patients.

NHS England:  New initiative aims to improve maternity services through patient feedback

Another financial pressure on NHS

Latest Survey: Budget Constraints Are Hurting Public Sector Talent Acquisition - Could AI be the Solution?