WGPlus (Archive)

The ‘problem’ grows every day
techUK welcomes the education of the next cyber generation.  As business increasingly relies on digital technology to function, and awareness of cyber incidents continues to increase, demand for cyber security skills is far outstripping supply.  In light of this, BIS recently announced a number of cyber security skills initiatives, linked to broadening entry routes to the cyber security profession, and embedding cyber security in digital qualifications.
Researched Links:

techUK:  BIS announce initiatives aimed at closing the widening cyber security skills gap

CESG:  Cyber Security Challenge 2015

Paid to train, no student debt, good employment prospects for both women & men and vital for future UK economic success

This could really hurt (your organisation)

Government suppliers must be compliant

Do you know ‘where it has been and what it has linked too’?

Public Procurement, Reinvented by AI - A Direct Response to UK Gov's AI Opportunities Action Plan