WGPlus (Archive)

Time to ‘lift the rock & expose the problems’

A new approach to addressing the problem of hidden domestic abuse in Scotland has recently received a cash boost of £869,000 from the Big Lottery Fund.  Community justice organisation, Sacro will roll out the FearLess project in 18 of Scotland’s local authorities combining a domestic abuse helpline with intensive 1 to 1 support & mentoring.  This will include a range of practical & emotional support including help with accommodation, personal finances, creating a personal safety plan, education, training and employment.

In partnership with statutory agencies, housing providers and 3 specialist third sector organisations (Shakti Women’s Aid, Respect and LGBT Youth Scotland), the project will reach out to those people who are ‘less inclined to come forward or recognise their experiences of abuse’.   This will include women from the black & ethnic minority community, LGBT people and men.

Researched Links:

BIG:  Lottery funds new, fearless approach to tackling domestic abuse

Community justice organisation, Sacro

Shakti Women’s Aid


LGBT Youth Scotland

BIG’s Becoming A Survivor programme

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