WGPlus (Archive)

True pay equality will also only be achieved when both sexes retire at 65/67!
There are now more women-led businesses than ever before, a record number of women in work, and the gender pay gap is at an all-time low - but the PM says there is more to do.
Researched Links:

10 DS:  PM - My one nation government will close the gender pay gap

CBI responds to GPG announcement

EHRC comments on Government announcement on closing the GPG

HMT:  National Living Wage - women and those based outside London to be biggest winners

Power to the (female) people

Welsh women lead the way as employment hits near-record high

10 DS:  Villiers: Women can drive Northern Ireland economic recovery

UKCES:  Government boost to help low paid workers progress in their careers

£11m EU-backed project to promote gender equality in Wales’ workplaces

By investing in women, you invest in business

Men twice as likely to earn over £50,000 a year as women

That’s worse than the make-up of Cabinet

Webinar: Harnessing Phone-AI for Smarter Customer Service: A Local Government Guide