WGPlus (Archive)

Victims include male AND female
Local authorities working in partnership with service providers are now able to bid for a share of a £3m fund to support the victims of domestic abuse.  In the July Budget a fund for 2015-2016 was announced to address any gaps in the provision of specialist accommodation-based support, and provide support for victims seeking to access these services.  Successful applicants must demonstrate how they will support innovative & cost effective proposals to deliver accommodation based services for victims of abuse, and for services to help them access such support.  The deadline for bids is 1 October 2015.
Researched Links:

CLG:  New £3.2m domestic abuse fund now open

If it wasn’t for Grexit and Tunisia this would be front page news

Time to ‘lift the rock & expose the problems’

There is no justification for either male or female domestic violence or abuse

They have already 'paid a price'

Latest Survey: Budget Constraints Are Hurting Public Sector Talent Acquisition - Could AI be the Solution?