WGPlus (Archive)

We cannot afford more diabetics
The Public Accounts Committee sets out new measures intended to improve treatment for diabetes patients and bolster prevention of the condition.  In its report, the Committee finds weaknesses in the approach of the DH and NHS England mean "the costs of diabetes to the NHS will continue to rise".  There remain "unacceptable variations in the take up of education programmes, delivery of recommended care processes, achievement of treatment standards and in outcomes for diabetes patients".
Researched Links:

PC&PE:  ‘Significant action’ needed now to combat diabetes

Make children exercise at school?

Making it easier to eat healthily

Ways to highlight problem

The potential ‘Return’ on this investment could be £bns

‘Side effects’ of diabetes can be life-threatening

The management of adult diabetes services in the NHS: progress review

Managing diabetes with mobile health: apply for business funding

Stricter blood glucose targets for people with diabetes

5m people at high risk of Type 2 diabetes

Helping children & adults manage diabetes: NICE publishes updated suite of guidelines

NICE draft guidance recommends integrated automatic glucose monitoring system for people with type 1 diabetes

Improving hospital care for people with diabetes

The Diabetes Prevention Programme is adopting innovation at scale

Fewer people dying from diabetes in Wales

Diabetes UK - NHS missing chances to improve diabetes care and save money as well as lives

A Guide to Public Sector Contact Data Quality