WGPlus (Archive)

When it’s your own care it gets very personal

NHS England and the Local Government Association have named the first 8 sites that will, for the first time, blend comprehensive health & social care funding for individuals and allow them to take control of how it is used.

The first wave of the Integrated Personal Commissioning (IPC) programme will go live on 1 April 2015, providing some 10,000 people with complex needs with greater power to decide how their own combined health & social care budget is spent.  The start of the programme is a key first stage in the delivery of the NHS Five Year Forward View that was set out in October 2014.

4 groups of high need individuals – older people with long term conditions, children with disabilities & their families, people with learning disabilities, and people living with serious mental illness – will be able to take control of their budget to deliver an agreed care plan.  As part of the programme, local voluntary organisations will help patients with personal care planning & advocacy.

Researched Links:

NHS England & local councils announce radical power shift as first 10,000 high-need services users gain control of their own integrated health & social care budgets

Integrated Personal Commissioning (IPC) programme

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