WGPlus (Archive)

Will the lights go out?
Following a detailed review, a package of reforms to the Capacity Market has been unveiled. They will improve the system used to secure reliable sources of electricity capacity, tackle decades of underinvestment and safeguard the future security of our energy supply for generations to come.
Researched Links:

DECC:  Reforms to Capacity Market to improve energy security for families & businesses – (techUK:  DECC sets out carbon-cutting objectives in new 5-year plan

PC&PE:  Government must restore investor confidence in UK energy sector

DECC:  What the Government is doing to secure investment in clean, secure & affordable energy

WWF response to forthcoming Climate Change Committee’s report on investor confidence in the UK energy sector

techUK:  Bidding opens for shares of UK Green Investment Bank

Ofgem:  Adhir's view - What’s in store for the future retail energy market?

So that’s alright then

A counter-balance to recent Russian ‘energy aggression’?

Exclusive Car Discounts for Public Sector Workers!