HM Treasury
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12 things that £1400 UK Dividend could buy

Analysis shows that every Scot will be £1400 better off every year staying part of the UK, but how far does £1400 go? 

New financial analysis from HM Treasury shows that every one of us in Scotland will be £1400 better off every year staying part of the UK than we would be if we voted for independence.

But how far does £1400 go? Here are 12 examples:

1. An overseas holiday for two with cash leftover for sun cream.

Average cost: £680 per person for a 10-day jaunt.

Source: Telegraph, August 2012.

2. Pay for Christmas presents twice over, with some money left over to spend on Hogmanay celebrations.

Average spend on Christmas in Scotland: £610.

Source: Huffington Post, December 2013.

3. Hop on the bus between Glasgow and Edinburgh (and back) 127 times. That’s the equivalent of a daily commute for more than 5 and half months.

Average cost: £11 for a return ticket.

Source: City Link, price correct on May 16, 2014.

4. Scoff 280 hotdogs at the Edinburgh Festival.

Average cost: £5.

Source: Edinburgh Festival FAQs, correct on May 16, 2014.

5. Cover your family’s yearly shoe habit for about the next 6 years.

Average annual household spend on footwear in Scotland: £234.

Source: ONS - Table A35, December 2013.

6. Fill up your fuel tank for the whole year with money leftover for an MOT and a few trips to the car wash.

Average household spend on petrol/diesel for personal transport in Scotland: £1123.20, average MOT costs: £29.65- £124.50.

Source: ONS - Table A35, December 2013 and GOV.UK, April 2014.

7. Watch Aberdeen play all season with two mates – with a few pies and Bovrils thrown in for good measure.

Average cost: £425 for one 2014/15 main stand season ticket.

Source:, price correct on May 16, 2014.

8. Experience 636 joyful caffeine highs.

Average cost: £2.20 for a medium cappuccino.

Source: Daily Mail, September 2013.

9. Share a meal of fish and chips with your family every day for around 10 weeks, with a couple of portions of mushy peas thrown in.

Average cost of fish and chips in UK: £4.74 per portion, based on family of 4 sharing meal.

Source: BBC News, June 2012.

10. Go for one haircut a month for over 3 and half years…you can go for significantly more if you’re a man!

Average spend for women per haircut: £29.99.

Source: Daily Mail, November 2013.

11. Pay off your energy bills in full over the year.

Average household cost in Scotland: £1211.60 per year.

Source: ONS - Table A35, December 2013.

12. And finally, you’ll still have enough left over for endless hugs with everyone to celebrate being in a United Kingdom.

And if you’re still in need of a reason to smile, go to Inverness – it’s the second happiest place in the UK.

Source: Rightmove, May 2014.

Tell us what you would do with £1400 on Twitter using #UKDividend.

This post originally appeared on Buzzfeed.

Photos above by PascalBricknaveLummmyMatija GrguricDr. Mark KubertSong ZhenJinho JungKristina AlexandersonPaul AlbertellaRobethKLollyman and Jose Betancur. All used underCreative Commons.

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