Higher Education Funding Council England (HEFCE)
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2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF) reports published

A number of documents have been published on the REF web-site.

Following publication of the results of the 2014 REF in December 2014, the REF team has published a number of reports giving additional information about the REF process and management.

The new publications are:

  1. Panel overview reports. A report by each of the four main panels and their sub-panels detailing how the assessment was carried out and providing an overview of the panels’ observations.
  2. report by the REF Equalities and Diversity Panel (EDAP) on the equality aspects of the REF. The panel found these to have improved significantly since the previous assessment exercise. 
  3. Universities’ codes of practice on the selection of staff.
  4. A full panel membership list and declarations of interest.

The four UK funding bodies are also running a number of projects to provide a comprehensive evaluation of REF 2014


Channel website: http://www.hefce.ac.uk

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