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Citrus black spot: new studies support EFSA advice

Newly available information on citrus black spot supports advice issued by EFSA in 2014, the Authority’s plant health experts have concluded. The Authority will not therefore update its existing Scientific Opinion

Phyllosticta citricarpa, the organism which causes citrus black spot, is not currently present in the EU and is subject to control measures preventing its entry. EFSA’s Panel on Plant Health said in 2014 that if P. citricarpa entered the EU it could establish and spread in the citrus-growing areas of the region.

The European Commission recently asked EFSA to assess two new publications on citrus black spot as well as other relevant peer-reviewed papers published in the past two years.

Citrus black spot is found in a number of non-European countries, including major exporters of oranges. 

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EFSA Media Relations Office 
Tel. +39 0521 036 149

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