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DECC sets out carbon-cutting objectives in new five year plan

On the 19th February DECC published its official departmental plan confirming its priorities up to 2020 and underlining its vision for a secure, afforable and clean energy system.

The wide ranging plan look at how government can deliver an energy system fit for the 21st Century through nurturing competition and supporting innovation in new technologies, keeping bills as low as possible for families and businesses.

DECC’s top 4 objectives are

1. Ensure the UK has a secure and resilient energy system

2. Keep energy bills as low as possible for households and businesses

3. Secure ambitious international action on climate change and reduce carbon emissions cost-effectively at home

4. Manage the UK’s energy legacy safely and responsibly

In addition to supporting Smart Meters DECC intends to work closely with National Grid, Ofgem and the National Infrastructure Commission to consider new smart technologies such as storage and demand-side response, looking in particular at where it is possible to remove policy and regulatory barriers and catalyse further innovation.

Click here to view the plan.

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