Foreign and Commonwealth Office
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FCO Press Release: FCO Minister comments on Guinea-Bissau election results

FCO Minister for Africa Mark Simmonds welcomes the provisional results of the second round of the Presidential elections in Guinea-Bissau. 

On 20 May Guinea-Bissau announced the provisional results of the second round of voting in its Presidential elections. The first round of voting had been held on 13 April, on the same day as legislative elections.

Following the second round results, Mr Simmonds said:

I welcome the successful conclusion of the second round of voting in the Presidential election. In voting peacefully, and in large numbers, the people of Guinea-Bissau have once again demonstrated their commitment to the democratic process. We urge Guinea-Bissau’s political and military leaders to respect the will of the people who have suffered so much from the instability that has afflicted Guinea-Bissau for so many years

Following these elections I look forward to the installation of the new National Assembly and the formation of a new government which can strengthen democratic institutions and lead Guinea-Bissau on the path towards economic development and prosperity.

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