Scottish Government
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Funding boost for museums and galleries

Culture Secretary announces £245, 000 of capital funding

Cabinet Secretary for Culture, Europe and External Affairs, Fiona Hyslop, has announced today (16thOctober 2015) nearly a quarter of a million pounds to improve museum buildings and help to buy objects that develop and augment their collections.

Museums Galleries Scotland is to receive £170,000 which will be distributed among local and non-national museums. £70,000 will assist with the remaining costs of refurbishing the visitor access facilities at the Grampian Transport Museum (GTM).

£75,000 will also be handed over to top up the National Fund for Acquisitions (NFA) administered by National Museums Scotland. The fund plays a vital role in supporting the acquisition of objects relating to the arts, history, literature, medicine and sciences.

Ms Hyslop said:

“Our rich culture and heritage plays an intrinsic part in boosting our economy and tackling inequalities. Scotland’s museums and galleries welcome 25 million people through their doors every year and attract visitors from all parts of Scotland and beyond.

“Grampian Transport Museum is hugely popular with 62,000 people passing through the doors each year. I’m delighted this funding will help refurbish visitor access facilities and make the experience even better.

“Today’s announcement of £245,000 reaffirms the Scottish Government’s commitment to the development of Scotland’s museums and galleries. We are working hard to ensure that everyone, particularly our young people, have an opportunity to access, enjoy and participate in cultural activity.”

Dr Gordon Rintoul, Director of National Museums Scotland, which administers the National Fund for Acquisitions, said:

“The National Fund for Acquisitions is an essential resource which supports the development of museum collections all across Scotland, and we therefore welcome the Cabinet Secretary’s announcement of an extension to the fund for this year.”

Joanne Orr, Chief Executive of Museums Galleries Scotland, said:

“This is excellent news and I welcome this significant investment in the sector by the Scottish Government. This boost to our Capital Fund increases our capacity to support projects that will secure the long term sustainability of Scotland’s museums and galleries. It will benefit their visitors and communities and allow Grampian Transport Museum to complete their ambitious extension project.”

Notes To Editors

The National Fund for Acquisitions, administered with Scottish Government funding by National Museums Scotland, contributes £150,000 each year towards the acquisition of objects for the collections of museums, galleries, libraries and archives throughout Scotland. Find out more about the work of the NFA here: National Fund for Acquisitions

Museums Galleries Scotland is the National Development Body for museums and galleries in Scotland and offers strategic development support to the sector. For further information visit:


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