Homeless Link
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Government launches inquiry into homelessness

Blog posted by: Jacqui McCluskey, Thursday, 7 January 2016 - 9:05am

Following suggestions from Homeless Link and some of our members, the Communities and Local Government (CLG) Committee has announced an inquiry into the causes of homelessness and the approaches taken by national and local government to prevent and tackle it.

The areas the Committee wants to explore are broad in scope. This is an excellent opportunity for the experience of the homelessness sector and those with a lived experience of homelessness to be heard by Government, so do please contribute to it before the closing deadline of 8 February 2016.

What does the Committee want to know?

The committee wants to hear from you on the following points:

  • Differing causes of homelessness for households, couples and single people
  • Steps to tackle homelessness
  • The relationship between homelessness and the availability of social housing
  • Measures taken by local authorities to deal with the homeless
  • The implications of the statutory duty of care, and possible extension to those in danger of homelessness, particularly single people
  • Different approaches to homelessness in big cities and in non-metropolitan areas
  • The re-establishment of the cross government Ministerial Working Group on Preventing and Tackling Homelessness
  • How levels of homelessness are monitored and reported
  • The effectiveness of the current legislative framework in England with a review of the different approaches taken in Scotland and Wales.

You can find guidance on how to provide evidence to Select Committee inquiries in the Get Involved section of the parliament.uk website.

Homeless Link's submission to the inquiry

We will be making a submission to the inquiry, so if you would like to contribute your evidence to our submission then please email your views and evidence to me by 3rd February 2016. I would also be interested in receiving copies of your own submissions, if you are able to share them with us.


Channel website: http://www.homelesslink.org.uk

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