Welsh Government
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Have your say on proposed changes to childcare in Wales

Lesley Griffiths, the Minister for Communities and Tackling Poverty, has today set out proposals to change childcare registration and regulation in Wales.

The 12 week consultation launched today proposes all childcare providers caring for children up to the age of 16, or 17 if disabled, should be registered and regulated.

Childcare regulation, through the registration of childminders, after-school clubs and day care centres, gives families reassurance about the quality of the care their children receive. Currently, childcare providers in Wales are only required to register when providing care for children up to the age of eight years.

The consultation also considers how the proposed changes will affect childcare providers and how the burden on them can be minimised.

Launching the consultation, the Minister said:

“Having confidence in the people we entrust to look after our children is incredibly important.

“The proposed changes will ensure childcare providers caring for children up to the age of 16, or 17 if disabled, are registered and properly regulated in order to provide greater assurance about the quality of childcare provision for children of all ages.

“From speaking to parents and families right across Wales, I fully appreciate the importance of good quality childcare. I therefore encourage parents to take part in this consultation and let us know their view.

“It is also important for childcare providers to get in touch and let us know how we can minimise any disruption caused by the changes. All responses we receive will help inform our understanding of the implications for the childcare sector and ensure we have proportionate and balanced regulation in place.”

The consultation document provides more detail on the proposals, including proposed changes to the National Minimum Standards against which all registered childcare providers are required to comply.


Changes to the registration of childcare provision in Wales
Channel website: http://gov.wales

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