Independent Police Complaints Commission
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IPCC investigation after man sustained serious injuries in Bedfordshire

The IPCC is independently investigating the actions of police after a man sustained serious injuries when he was struck by a police vehicle in Bedfordshire.

The incident happened at around 10.30am on Thursday 3 November. Police records indicate officers from a joint Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire and Cambridgeshire roads policing unit were following what they believed to be a stolen vehicle when the occupants stopped and ran off. Shortly afterwards a man in his 20s sustained serious leg injuries and remains in hospital for treatment.

After being notified of the incident by Bedfordshire Police, IPCC investigators attended the scene in Kathie Road, Bedford, and conducted local enquiries.

Police vehicles at the scene were removed for examination and efforts are under way to download footage from the in-car cameras and car incident data recorder. A number of the officers were also wearing body worn video cameras which will be examined.

A knife was recovered from the scene.

A separate team of investigators went to the post incident procedure, where the six officers who were in attendance at the scene provided their initial accounts. An officer has reported the man appeared to be armed and was approaching police at the time he struck him with his car. This will form part of our independent investigation.

IPCC investigators have been in contact with the injured man and his family.

Bedfordshire Police is carrying out a criminal investigation.


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