Independent Police Complaints Commission
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IPCC make referral to CPS in Julian Cole investigation

The IPCC has made a referral to the Crown Prosecution Service to consider charges over the actions of five Bedfordshire Police officers following its investigation into events surrounding the serious and life-limiting injuries sustained by Julian Cole.

The five officers attended an incident at a nightclub in Bedford on 6 May 2013. The investigation examined the circumstances around the arrest and restraint of Mr Cole.

As well as a referral to the CPS over possible criminal charges, the IPCC report finds that in the investigator’s opinion there may be case to answer for:

  • gross misconduct in the case of all five officers for the manner they carried out their duties and responsibilities;
  • gross misconduct in the case of four of the officers for honesty and integrity; and
  • misconduct in the case of one officer for use of force

IPCC Deputy Chair Sarah Green said:

“This has been a complex and lengthy investigation involving examination of over 900 documents, interviews with witnesses, a number of medical expert opinions, CCTV trawls and forensic analysis. We are now satisfied we have gathered all the available evidence to enable the Crown Prosecution Service to determine whether or not charges should follow. We have kept Mr Cole’s family and Bedfordshire police updated on our progress.”

A referral to the CPS is made when the IPCC investigation indicates that a criminal offence may have been committed. It does not mean that criminal charges will necessarily follow. The CPS will decide whether charges should be brought, based on the test set out in the Code for Crown Prosecutors

Where an investigator’s opinion is that an officer has a case to answer the police force and the IPCC Commissioner must decide whether to bring disciplinary proceedings.

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