Welsh Government
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Influential global bovine TB conference comes to Wales

International experts in animal disease will gather in Cardiff as of yesterday for a major international conference that will look at the global problem of bovine TB.

The sixth International Mycobacterium bovis conference is being held at Cardiff’s City Hall and will include scientific experts and delegates from as far away as Australia, New Zealand and Ethiopia.

The Minister for Natural Resources and Food, Alun Davies has welcomed the event to Wales, describing it as recognition of Wales’ position at the forefront of international efforts to fight bovine TB.

Alun Davies said:

“Bovine TB is one of the most serious animal health problems facing Wales and an issue that the Welsh Government takes very seriously. It has been at the top of our agenda for ten years now.  

“Our eradication programme is based on solid evidence, takes a comprehensive approach to tackling the disease and involves  dealing with all sources of infection.  Recent stats demonstrate the impressive success that that these measures are now having in combatting the disease.

“Bovine TB in Wales has significantly reduced and new incidents of the disease are down by nearly a quarter on the previous year.

“However we are in no way resting on our laurels. As well as providing an opportunity for us share our programme with international experts, the conference will enable us to learn from other countries that have had real success in dealing with this disease. “

Wales’ Chief Veterinary Officer, Christianne Glossop stressed that the impact of bovine TB extends far wider than the farming community and said  that it was in everyone’s interest for Wales to maintain its progress in tackling the disease.  

She said:

“I am delighted  that this  prestigious conference has come to Wales. Not only is it recognition of our hard work,  it also provides another opportunity to highlight the  issue of bovine TB with Wales’ non farming community.

“This debate has to move on from the binary portrayal of farmers versus animal rights activists. Bovine TB is a problem that affects everyone and given the social, emotional and financial impact of the disease,  it is  vital that  we all work together in cooperation to ensure its eradication.

“We know we can beat TB. Other countries have done it but it is going to be a long haul and this conference, and the opportunity it provides for us to learn from the experiences of others, is another important milestone in our journey towards a TB

Professor Glyn Hewinson, lead TB Scientist at AHVLA said:

“This is the sixth in a line of conferences that were put together under the guiding principle that successful TB eradication is a balance of science, compliance, finance and appropriate control strategies.

“These events provide a unique opportunity for the international community to come together every few years in order to share ideas, help facilitate the co-ordination of research among par¬ticipating countries and foster co-ordination and collaboration between policy makers, epidemiologists, scientists and economists.”

The Mycobacterium bovis conference is being jointly hosted by the Welsh Government, the BCVA, Defra and the AHVLA and is taking place between Monday 16th and Thursday 19th June.

It will feature a selection of highly regarded speakers who will present on subjects including TB epidemiology, vaccination, social science and economics, innovations, wildlife policy and practical delivery options.


Channel website: http://gov.wales

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