Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC)
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Inquiry into housing for disabled people
On 14 December 2016 the Commission launched a formal inquiry on housing for disabled people. It will look at whether the availability of accessible and adaptable housing, and the support services around it, is fulfilling disabled people’s rights to live independently. Our inquiry will cover England, Scotland and Wales.
What is an inquiry?
The Commission has a legal power, under section 16 of the Equality Act 2006, to conduct an inquiry into anything relating to its equality and human rights duties. This helps us to collect evidence to gain a clear picture of a particular sector or issue, where we feel there is a benefit to wider society. We can then use our findings to make recommendations.
What is the problem?
Housing and associated support is an important part of independent living. Without appropriate housing it is much harder to access employment, education, leisure and recreational opportunities and the risk of illness and disability is increased.
According to one housing report, there are 1.8 million disabled people whose housing needs are not met. Another report estimated that there is only enough funding to pay for one in every ten people who want to adapt their homes.
Tenancy support and advice, such as help with budgeting, can help to make sure people are able to stay in their rented home and are not forced to leave. These services are particularly important for some groups, such as people with learning disabilities. There is a worry that less funding may mean these services are taken away. There is also a worry that not enough accessible or adaptable houses are being built to meet the needs of disabled people.
What is the inquiry looking at?
Full details of what the inquiry will cover can be found in the terms of reference, which you can download below.
Easy read - Housing for disabled people: what we want to find out (PDF)
English language - Housing inquiry terms of reference (Word)
Welsh language - Cylch gorchwyl ymchwiliad tai (Word)
How can you submit evidence?
We are not asking for evidence yet. We will publish specific questions early in 2017. These will highlight the areas we are particularly interested in. There will be accessible options for submitting evidence.
Advice on individual cases
We can only help with individual cases in exceptional circumstances, and not as part of the inquiry. If you need advice or help with your personal situation you should contact an advice agency. For further information see help and advice, below.
When will the inquiry end?
We aim to publish our report and findings towards the end of 2017.
Contact details
For further information about the inquiry please contact EHRCHousingInquiry@equalityhumanrights.com
Help and advice
If you need advice or help with your personal situation please contact one of the following agencies.