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LGA - Councils respond to latest NHS health check figures

Local Government Association's Community Wellbeing spokeswoman, Cllr Izzi Seccombe, says NHS Health Check provides us with real opportunity to help local communities take control of their health and their future.

"Since local authorities took over responsibility for NHS Health Checks in April 2013 the programme has made great strides with more than three million people having had a check. More than 50 per cent of people invited for an NHS Health Check take up the offer.

"Health checks can save lives and prevent people from developing life-threatening conditions, so it's really important we get as many people as possible to have a check. As a result, evidence shows 2,500 heart attacks and strokes have been prevented over five years.

"Despite facing a significant reduction in funding from government to councils' public health grants of more than £530 million, local authorities across the country are using innovative ways to deliver the programme. 

"Many councils are using the NHS Health Check to target individuals or communities at increased risk by focusing efforts among socio-economically disadvantaged communities and using proactive outreach programmes to get into those communities who are less likely to attend their general practice.

"While we know there is still a lot of hard work to do to increase uptake, the NHS Health Check provides us with a real opportunity to help our local communities take control of their health and their future."


  1. Since taking over responsibility for public health in April 2013, local authorities have had a legal duty to deliver the NHS Health Check programme. As part of this duty they are required to offer the programme to 100 per cent of their eligible population over a five-year period. They are also required to improve the percentage of people having a check.
  2. Government has reduced councils' public health grant by £331 million from 2016/17 to 2020/21. This follows a £200 million in-year reduction in 2015/16. 
  3. Checking the Health of the Nation: Implementing the NHS Health Check programme
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