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LGA response to Ofsted report on child sexual exploitation

Cllr David Simmonds, Chairman of the LGA's Children and Young People Board responded to Ofsted's report ‘The Sexual Exploitation Of Children: It Could Happen Here, Couldn't It?'.

"Protecting children from harm is one of the most important things that councils do. While some local authorities are making positive strides to protect young people, it's clear that others have been too slow to step up to the plate and must do more to stop any cases where children could be at risk.

"This report makes for uncomfortable reading and councils across the country will now be reflecting on its implications and asking questions of their staff to ensure we are doing everything possible to protect each and every child.

"Preventing child sexual exploitation is incredibly complex but local authorities are not going to be able to tackle this vile crime in isolation, it needs to become everyone's business.

"We need to see better local working with the police and NHS to proactively review the processes used every day to keep children and young people safe. Schools, GP's surgeries, charities and community groups also have a vital role in identifying and reporting any cases where children could be at risk.

"In addition, councils, communities and parents need to have confidence in the Ofsted inspection regime and its role in protecting children. The LGA has called for an independent review to discover what has gone wrong with the inspectorate. It's also vital that we move towards a process that is able to properly assess the contribution of all agencies in keeping children safe.

"The exploitation of children for sexual or any other abuse has no place in society. There are lessons in this report for every community and we must all work together to stamp out this awful crime."

Notes for editors

1. The LGA works closely to support councils and raise awareness of the issues surrounding child sexual exploitation. This is an ever changing and hugely complex area and the LGA will continue to develop and build on the type of support available.

There are a range of resources on the LGA website to support councils in raising awareness of child sexual exploitation within local authorities, partner agencies or the wider community.


Cherie Willers, Deputy Head of News and Internal Communications
Local Government Association
Telephone: 020 7664 3120
Email: cherie.willers@local.gov.uk
Media Office (for out-of-hours contact): 020 7664 3333
Local Government House, Smith Square, London SW1P 3HZ


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