Ministry of Defence
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Military courage recognised by operational honours list

Courageous servicemen and women have been awarded for their gallantry in the latest operational honours list.

A soldier who displayed extreme valour while seriously injured with a gunshot wound to the neck is among 117 servicemen and women and civilians who have been recognised for bravery on operations at a ceremony at the Honourable Artillery Company headquarters in London.

Following a serious injury to his neck, Lance Corporal Simon Moloney of the Household Cavalry Regiment repeatedly faced sustained insurgent fire, but continued to provide protection to his comrades for 90 minutes in temperatures in excess of 40°C.

The gunshot to his neck missed his vital arteries and voice box by millimetres. After receiving first aid, Lance Corporal Moloney continued to pass critical target information to win the fire fight he was part of by shouting through the effects of his throat injury and over the crack of enemy rounds, only breaking contact when ordered to seek medical attention.

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