Welsh Government
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Minister seeks views on proposed exemptions to the Council Tax premiums

Public Services Minister, Leighton Andrews, has launched two consultations recently on proposed exemptions to the Council Tax premiums being introduced for long-term empty homes and second homes.

From 1 April 2017, local authorities will have discretionary powers to charge up to 100% extra in Council Tax on long-term empty homes and second homes in their areas. Before then, the Minister wants to put in place exemptions to apply in circumstances when charging a higher rate could be unreasonable.

He said

“Empty homes are a wasted resource when many people and families are in need of good quality housing and it is right that local authorities are able to charge a Council Tax premium as a way of encouraging owners to bring these properties back into use.

“While second homes can benefit local economies, they can also impact negatively on the planning of local services and the availability of affordable housing in the area. Allowing local authorities to charge a Council Tax premium on second homes will help to mitigate these problems.

“However, I recognise that exemptions need to be put in place so that individuals are not unfairly penalised. For example, is it right to charge the owner of an empty property more in Council Tax when they can show they are actively looking to sell or let it and until then will use little in the way of Council services.   

“I encourage all interested parties to let me hear their thoughts regarding the categories of dwelling that should be exempt from the premiums.”

Both consultations will run until 13 June 2015. They can be accessed via the Welsh Government’s website.


Exemptions to the Council Tax Premium on Second Homes in Wales

Exemptions to the Council Tax Premium on Long-Term Empty Homes in Wales


Channel website: http://gov.wales

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