Welsh Government
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Ministers taking action to build vibrant rural communities

Two Welsh Government Ministers set out their commitment to tackling poverty in rural Wales and creating vibrant communities at an event in Carmarthenshire yesterday (Monday 7 April 2014). 

The Minister for Natural Resources and Food, Alun Davies, explained how his plans to invest nearly £1 billion in rural Wales will strengthen Welsh farm businesses, support Wales’s wider rural economy and create opportunities for future generations.

Also speaking at the event was the Deputy Minister for Tackling Poverty, Vaughan Gething, who set out how the RDP is an essential tool to tackle rural poverty. The Tackling Poverty Action Plan and the RDP will be utilised to help prevent rural poverty in the longer term, help people into work and mitigate the impact of poverty.

Speaking at the conference, Alun Davies said:

“I am committed to using all the resources we have to tackle poverty so that opportunities for people living and working in our rural communities are significantly improved.

“The budget for the next Rural Development Programme is £953 million. This is Wales’s largest ever RDP budget and will allow us to support our rural communities in a meaningful and sustainable way. Job creation and economic growth lie at the heart of our plans which focus on improving the resilience of our farm businesses, improving land management and supporting local food producers, while ensuring that natural resources are used sustainably.

“We must act now to address the very real issue of poverty in rural Wales and create opportunities to help establish a more secure future for our next generations.”

The Minister encouraged people to have their say on his plans for the next RDP by taking part in the ongoing consultation which closes on 14 April 2014.

Vaughan Gething told attendees:

“We recognise that challenges facing people living in rural communities are different from challenges that exist in the more populated areas of Wales. I am committed to tailoring our response and solutions to local needs.

“My principal responsibility is delivering the Welsh Government’s Tackling Poverty Action Plan. Its targets and milestones have a strong focus on preventing poverty in the longer term, as well as helping people into work and mitigating the impact of poverty. The significant public resources committed to the RDP must make a real and meaningful contribution to tackling rural poverty.

“Our flagship schemes, such as Flying Start, provide substantial support for people living in rural areas, especially children and families. Many new settings are being developed in these communities since we announced plans to double the number of children benefitting from Flying Start - for example, in Carmarthenshire, the local authority is delivering the programme in rural areas such as Trimsaran.”



Wales Rural Development Programme 2014-2020: Final ProposalsBuilding Resilient Communities: Taking Forward the Tackling Poverty Action Plan

Channel website: http://gov.wales

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