Scottish Government
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More children in minority ethnic households

An official statistics publication for Scotland.

Minority ethnic households in Scotland were more likely to contain dependent children than households across the population as a whole, and these children were more likely to be younger.

Scotland’s Chief Statistician today released new analysis of equality groups, including ethnicity, Gypsy/travellers, religion and disability, based on 2011 Census data. This revealed findings on the household structure and health of minority ethnic groups in Scotland, who were more likely to be younger than the population as a whole.

The analysis also showed differences between religions. Church of Scotland was the religion with the oldest age profile and showed many of the characteristics associated with this, such as poorer health and a relatively high proportion of widowed people. Roman Catholics and many of the non-Christian denominations had younger age profiles and were more likely to live in large urban areas.

The analysis revealed that Gypsy/Travellers were more likely than the population as a whole to be divorced or separated, live in lone parent households and have 3 or more dependent children. They also had worse health than the general population despite a younger age profile.

The figures released today were produced by independent statistical staff free from any political interference, in accordance with professional standards set out in the Code of Practice for Official Statistics.

Notes To Editors

This Scottish Government report adds value to equality data published on Scotland’s Census website by the National Records of Scotland (NRS). It brings together relevant data from the census and other sources, and uses infographics to paint a picture of equality in Scotland. It is designed to be used by policy makers to evidence policy and Equality Outcomes, target services and help tackle discrimination.

The analysis focuses on the ‘cross-tab’ equality tables released throughout 2014 by the National Records of Scotland (NRS) and builds on the Scottish Government’s analysis of the univariate equality tables, ‘Overview of Equality Results from the 2011 Census Release 2’, published in March 2014.

This paper examines the following census topic areas: Population and Households; Ethnicity Identity, Language and Religion; and Health. Further topics, including Education; Labour Market; Housing and Transport, will be covered by a future paper.

The full statistical publication is available at:

Further useful links:

Official statistics are produced by professionally independent statistical staff – more information on the standards of official statistics in Scotland can be accessed at:


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