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NHS Confederation - CQC consultation is a welcome opportunity for broader local regulation

The NHS Confederation welcomes the Care Quality Commission's final consultation stage for its five-year strategy as an opportunity for changes in regulation and a review of value.

Responding to the  launch of the final consultation stage for the Care Quality Commission’s Five-Year Strategy, Phil McCarvill, Deputy Director of Policy, NHS Confederation, said:

“We welcome the draft strategy’s support for a shift in focus, moving away from solely regulating individual organisations and towards health and care services in local areas and for local populations. We believe this would better reflect the impact that healthcare providers can have on each other and support them to work together to offer more joined-up care for patients. 

“The CQC’s work will increasingly be paid for by healthcare providers which are themselves financially stretched, so existing questions about value for money and reducing bureaucracy become even more pertinent. It is vital that the CQC measures what matters - and measures it only once - as it adopts its new role in assessing efficiency in trusts and develops a single shared view of quality. Our members want to be closely involved as partners in developing the CQC’s future framework and ways of working – and we look forward to working with the CQC and other national bodies to produce a regulatory framework that’s fit for the future.”

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