Wired-GOV Newswire (news from other organisations)
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NHS Confederation - New website new benefits

Welcome to our brand new website. We hope you like it. Make sure you register on the site [include link to registration page] to benefit from the host of new features available to you.

A new layout and improved search facilities will help you find what you’re looking for much more quickly and easily. You can also personalise your content to get resources and updates of most interest to you, and take advantage of host of new interactive features. Plus, it’s great for browsing on your mobiles and tablets.

Register with us to get the full benefits

Register on our website  so you can:

• select topics of interest to get recommended content, resources and updates 
• bookmark and keep track of your useful pages 
• comment on, recommend and share content with colleagues
• benefit from fast-track booking onto our events
• update your profile any time.

Just for our members

Our members that register with us can also:
• benefit and gain access to member-only content and resources
• suggest, contribute and keep up to date with discussions with our new ‘talking points’
• tailor their package of member newsletters to get selected news, views and updates.

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