Independent Police Complaints Commission
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New agreement on closer working to improve public trust in policing

Three national bodies have signed a concordat in relation to their promotion of good practice and continuous improvement in policing, in order to ensure public confidence.
The working concordat has been agreed between Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC), the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC), and the College of Policing.
Through the agreement, HMIC, the IPCC and the College of Policing commit to work constructively and effectively together by:
• regularly consulting one another on areas of mutual interest;
• sharing information and analysis as appropriate to promote timely, well-informed decision-making, to assist the planning and prioritisation of work;
• ensuring the data collection and inspection regimes for police forces minimise unnecessary bureaucracy and are the minimum necessary to meet the objective;
• promoting clarity over their roles and responsibilities, recognising their separate, discrete and complementary jurisdictions; and
• developing efficient working relationships between the three organisations. 
IPCC Deputy Chair Sarah Green said:
"It is vital that the IPCC, HMIC and the College of Policing work together to support the police service in England and Wales in being the best it can be. We are committed to sharing our knowledge and expertise so we can drive up policing standards to improve police performance and increase public confidence in forces.”
HM Chief Inspector of Constabulary, Tom Winsor, said:
"HMIC has a history of working together with other bodies to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of policing in England and Wales. We look forward to continuing this tradition with the IPCC and College of Policing, as we share an unwavering commitment to raising the standard of service the police provides to the public.”
College of Policing Chief Constable Alex Marshall said: 
"As the professional body for policing we are committed to the development and setting of standards in policing based on the best available evidence.
"The College of Policing helps equip and support the people who do the difficult and challenging job of policing with what they need to deliver the best service to the public.
"To do this we need effective partnership working not only with other national agencies but by working directly with police forces and their Chief Constables to ensure best practice and high standards are implemented across policing. Where standards fall short, the College of Policing can set Regulations and Codes of Practice for the benefit of the public 

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