Welsh Government
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New plans to ensure a sustainable and affordable water supply for Wales

New plans to ensure a sustainable, safe and affordable water supply for households and businesses in Wales have been set out by Minister for Natural Resources, Alun Davies 

The Minister said the Water Strategy, which is out for consultation from Monday 7 April, would help Wales meet the challenges presented by its growing population and changing climate, and would help deliver on the Welsh Government’s ambitions for green growth.

The Water Strategy proposes measures aimed at ensuring the sustainable management of our valuable water resources, developing new and more efficient approaches to drainage in built-up areas to reduce the risk of flooding, tackling pollution and ensuring that communities are more involved in key decisions on local water management.

The Strategy considers whether the Welsh Government should consult on options for water metering in all households, with any such move being supplemented by charging structures to protect those on low incomes. It also includes proposals that could result in land managers being paid to manage water and land sustainably.

Underpinning the Strategy is the importance of the National Assembly assuming responsibility for all aspects of water policy in Wales, in line with recent recommendations from the Silk Commission.

Speaking ahead of a visit to Stebonheath Primary school in Llanelli, which has recently been fitted with a sustainable water scheme courtesy of Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water, Alun Davies said:

“Water is one of our greatest natural assets, providing the basis for our economic development, our tourism sector, our energy supply and our general health and well being.

“However water is not a limitless resource that can be easily replenished. It needs careful management to ensure the long term needs of our environment, people and economy can be met.

“Figures show that on average we are all using nearly 50% more water per person than we were 25 years ago and we know that our growing population, and the challenges presented by climate change are putting our water supplies under ever increasing pressure.

“This means we need to manage our water supply sustainably, in a way that encourages us to use it more efficiently and in a way that supports communities and businesses, promotes green growth and protects and enhances our natural resources. This strategy is aimed at helping us achieve just that.”

The Water strategy focuses on:

  • Ensuring water supply for nature, people and business 
  • Taking action to reduce pollution  
  • Improving the way we plan and manage water services 
  • Ensuring affordable water and delivering excellent services to customers
  • Protecting and improving drinking water quality 
  • A new approach to drainage that manages waste water and surface water in an integrated way.  

The full water strategy will be available on the Welsh Government website.

The sustainable drainage system at Stebonheath Primary school has been designed to improve drainage, cut down on the amount of water entering the sewerage system and reduce the risk of sewer flooding and pollution.

The investment has transformed the school playground, which now incorporates a pond, a swale (a vegetated channel), a range of trees and plants, planters, an outdoor educational area and water-saving water butts. These features help to absorb the surface water which used to run straight off the playground into the sewer network.

The transformed playground puts the water back into the natural water cycle. It has resulted in an improved environment for pupils and increased their understanding of the need to manage water responsibly.


Water Strategy for Wales

Channel website: http://gov.wales

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