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Patients Association - 50% increase in the number of patients forced to switch GP surgeries

The Patients Association is very concerned by the findings of a Pulse investigation showing that 200,000 patients were forced to register with a new GP or travel further to see their existing one.

The investigation highlighted the growing crisis in primary care, with the number of practices closing a branch or shutting down altogether rising by 40% in 2015.

Katherine Murphy, Chief Executive of the Patients Association said: 

“This investigation highlights the desperate situation that primary care services in England find themselves in. We hear from so many patients on our Helpline who are struggling to access their GP, with a number particularly concerned about their GP practice merging with others around them. Closing surgeries limits access to care and patient choice.

The increase in the number of patients having to travel further to visit their GP is particularly worrying. Many elderly and vulnerable patients are often unable to travel far to visit their GP. Primary care services are vital for their safety and wellbeing and must be as accessible as possible.

The Patients Association understands that many GP surgeries are struggling to cope due to a lack of funding, and a shortage of frontline staff. There must be further investment to help train and retain GPs, practice nurses and pharmacists in order to give patients the care that they need. Without stronger support for GPs, primary care services will continue to be unable to meet the needs of patients.”

Notes to Editors: 

The Patients Association is an independent national health and social care charity established over 52 years ago, which has a long history of campaigning to ensure that the voice of patients is heard within the UK Health and Social care system.

For further information please contact Matthew Tisi, Communications & Public Affairs Officer, on 020 8423 9111, or email matthew@patients-association.com or call 07779 004898

Visit our website at www.patients-association.org.uk

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