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Patients Association - Cross-party NHS commission holds its first meeting

The Patients Association is hopeful that the cross-party commission set up by Norman Lamb MP will play a role in building consensus about the future of the NHS. 

The backbench commission will examine the future of the NHS and social care by looking at how services should be funded and organised. The commission met for the first time yesterday (Thursday 28th January).

Katherine Murphy, Chief Executive of the Patients Association said: 

“The Patients Association welcomes the attempt by the commission to put party political differences aside, and focus on what is best for the NHS. The health and care sector finds itself in an increasingly desperate situation. Patients are waiting longer for treatment, staff are demoralised and resources are scarce. It is vital that politicians come together to find a long term solution to the problems the NHS is facing.

We know that very often these commissions do not go anywhere, and recommendations they make will have little or no weight in driving real change. The Patients Association hopes however that this commission will be a catalyst for change and will shine a light on the need to improve health and social care. Ensuring that the NHS has the finances and resources that it needs to help patients must go beyond the divide of party politics.”

Notes to Editors: 

The Patients Association is an independent national health and social care charity established over 52 years ago, which has a long history of campaigning to ensure that the voice of patients is heard within the UK Health and Social care system.

For further information please contact Matthew Tisi, Communications & Public Affairs Officer, on 020 8423 9111, or email matthew@patients-association.com or call 07779 004898

Visit our website at www.patients-association.org.uk

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