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Patients Association - Faculty of General Dental Practice (FGDP) calls for tax on sugary drinks

The Patients Association supports the Faculty of General Dental Practice in their calls to increase tax on sugary soft drinks.

The move, which has been supported by the House of Commons Health Select Committee and Public Health England, aims to help reduce the amount of sugar that the public are consuming. 

Katherine Murphy, Chief Executive of the Patients Association said:

“It is particularly worrying to see the increase in children suffering from tooth decay. We know that the biggest reason for a child under the age of 10 being admitted to hospital is from rotten teeth. Encouraging a higher standard of oral health will help keep children out of hospital, freeing up services for patients in need. 

A good standard of oral health helps to improve the general wellbeing of patients, particularly with regard to nutrition. With the rates of obesity increasing, and diseases such as diabetes and cancer on the rise, encouraging children to have a healthier lifestyle must now be a priority. 

The Government must educate the public on the impact sugar can have on their health. By encouraging people to make healthier choices, we can help stop preventable diseases such as tooth decay turning into long-term health issues.” 

Notes to Editors:

  • The Patients Association is an independent national health and social care charity established over 52 years ago, which has a long history of campaigning to ensure that the voice of patients is heard within the UK Health and Social care system.
  • For further information please contact Matthew Tisi, Communications & Public Affairs Officer, on 020 8423 9111, or email matthew@patients-association.com or call 07779 004898 
  • Visit our website at www.patients-association.org.uk
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