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RoSPA - Safety First: Stunning vintage posters book marks 100 years of making Britain safer

A fabulous collection of vintage British safety posters will be published next month, providing a chronicle of work, rest and play in 20th century Britain.

Safety First, by design expert Dr Paul Rennie of Central St Martins College of Art and Design, features scores of RoSPA accident prevention posters and slogans that evoke nostalgia for a bygone era.

It is being published as part of RoSPA’s forthcoming centenary, which will be marked extensively in 2016/17 - 100 years since the charity’s work began.

Dating from the 1930s-1970s, the RoSPA posters were created by some of the foremost graphic designers of their time, including Fougasse, who produced the famous World War II Careless Talk Costs Lives poster campaign. An extensive archive of the artwork was discovered when an old warehouse was being cleared.

Covering occupational, road, leisure and home safety, the posters, which are of great historical value, are clever, striking and often amusing. For many people, they will bring back childhood memories - on road safety, for example, who can forget the simple message to “Stop, Look and Listen” or the antics of Tufty Fluffytail?

Safety First will be published on June 18, priced £16.99, and it will be available from all good bookshops andwww.saraband.net. Visitors to Safety and Health Expo (June 16-18) and the RoSPA Occupational Health and Safety Awards (June 16), both taking place at ExCeL London, will be able to see a preview of the book and order copies from RoSPA directly for a special event price of £12.99, plus postage.        

Lord McKenzie of Luton, president of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA), who has written the book’s foreword, said: “Even in this information-saturated age of social media and 24-hour news, there is much that these now ‘vintage’ posters can tell us about the power of accident prevention: that a little effort, a little forward planning - and above all, a little knowledge, can make a big difference in our quest to get the balance right between carelessness on the one hand, and risk-aversion on the other.

“It is fitting that as our charity prepares for its centenary, the rediscovery of these posters should stand at the intersection of a proud past and a promising future - promising, because RoSPA stands ready to serve the nation again, by providing our families, colleagues and friends with all of the skills and confidence they need to lead more fulfilling lives - free of the fear of accidental injury.”

Tom Mullarkey, RoSPA’s chief executive, said: “We always knew that we had some poster artwork in storage, but it was only when we cleared our old warehouse that we discovered the sheer extent of our collection and the quality and age of the items. These posters would have carried simple yet important safety messages into homes and workplaces, helping people to prevent accidents to themselves, their loved ones and colleagues. Many of the messages are just as valid today as when they were created decades ago.”

Dr Paul Rennie is head of context in graphic design at Central St Martins College of Art and Design in London and runs his own successful shop specialising in 20th century art and design. He is the author of three influential books about design, including Modern British Posters.

Safety First is published by Saraband - the Saltire Society Scottish Publisher of the Year, 2013-14 - which publishes fiction, non-fiction and illustrated books that celebrate extraordinary human achievements, explore important cultural traditions and champion the planet and its species. Also renowned as an innovator in digital publishing, Saraband is a member company of the Faber Factory Plus alliance of quality independents.

Book details

Title: Safety First

Author: Paul Rennie, with a foreword by Lord McKenzie of Luton

Publication date: June 18, 2015 - available from all good bookshops and www.saraband.net. Visitors to Safety and Health Expo and the RoSPA Awards can also order copies directly from RoSPA.

Publisher: Saraband

Price: £16.99 (hardback)

ISBN: 9781908643728

  • A selection of RoSPA posters can also be viewed at www.rospaprints.com, where prints can be purchased.

For photographs and other requests email: pressoffice@rospa.com or call 0121 248 2135.

Note to broadcasters: RoSPA has its own ISDN studio.

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