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RoSPA - Share your workplace accident stories as part of Workers Memorial Day

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) is inviting those who have been affected by a workplace accident to share their stories ahead of Workers Memorial Day to help prevent the same incidents happening to others.

Every April 28, workplaces, health and safety practitioners and those affected by accidents mark Workers Memorial Day, which provides an opportunity to reflect on the unspoken impact of earning a living, through remembering those who have been killed, disabled, injured or made unwell by their work.

In 2013/14, 1.2million working people were suffering from a work-related illness, while 133 were killed at work.

This year, in support of Worker Memorial Day, RoSPA is asking those who have been affected by a workplace accident – whether they are a victim, a family member, friend or employer – to share their stories with us. In turn we will share them with the public, to help raise awareness and prevent similar deaths, injuries and illnesses happening in the future.

Dr Karen McDonnell, RoSPA’s occupational safety and health policy adviser, said: “We have come a long way here in the United Kingdom in terms of workplace safety, and our health and safety system is admired and viewed as an aspirational target for countries around the globe.

“But new generations of workers are being exposed to workplace conditions, therefore there is simply no room for complacency.

“Accidents don’t have to happen, and by sharing stories of workplace accidents and illnesses and how they affect everyone concerned, we can ensure the issue remains a high priority for workers and their employers across the country, and continue to drive down the number of incidents.”

If you would like to share your story with RoSPA, visit www.rospa.com/your-stories to see how other brave victims and their families are helping to raise awareness of the devastation that accidents can cause.

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