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The discussion on community development and developmental cooperation in Līgatne

On 3- 5 June more than 300 representatives from Latvian communities, local municipalities, higher educational establishments, researchers, practitioners and rural development enthusiasts from more than 50 districts of Latvia and 30 countries of the European Union, the Eastern Partnership and other countries will meet in Līgatne in the Rural Community Parliament and the Development Forum.

The participants of the parliament and forum together with policy-makers and representatives of developmental organisations will discuss challenges of rural and small urban communities, developing community perspective in priority areas of the Latvian Presidency of the Council of the EU.

At the opening ceremony on 3 June the participants will be greeted by Andris Bērziņš, the President of the Republic of Latvia, Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica, the Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ainārs Šteins, the Chairman of Līvani District Municipality Council.

During the two days of the Rural Community Parliament and the Development Forum the participants will develop resolutions – commitments of community developers and politicians for the next two years and for a long term. The focus at the Rural Community Parliament will be on strengthening the rural economic potential as an input for more competitive EU; improvement of life quality of inhabitants in rural territories and small urban areas; promotion of development of the civic society outside the development centres; ensuring the opportunities for the citizens' mobility and availability of services in the context of rural development. The resolution with the call to be involved the participants will submit to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and responsible authorities in Latvia and the EU. The developed resolution will be a basis for the issues to be discussed in the second European Rural Parliament that will take place in the end of 2015 in Austria.

On 5 June, before leaving for experience exchange trips, the participants will be addressed by Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Iveta Grigule, leaders of the Rural Community Parliament Aija Tūna, leader of the initiative School Change Opportunities Valdis Kudiņš, the chairman of NGO Rural Forum of Latvia and leaders of the Development Forum Ausma Pastore and Āris Ādlers, the board members of NGO Latvian Platform for Developmental Cooperation".

Media are invited to apply for participation by sending an e-mail to:, phone: +371 29490982.
The opening will take place on 3 June at 11 a.m. at Līgatne Culture Centre, Spriņģu ielā 4, Līgatne.
The presentation of resolution of the Rural Community Parliament will take place on 4 June, at 12.00 at the Rehabilitation Centre Līgatne, Skaļupes, Līgatne parish; presentation of the Development Forum – at 4 p.m. at Līgatne Culture Centre, Spriņģu ielā 4, Līgatne. The closing event will take place on the 5 June, at 10.a.m, in the courtyard of Līgatne Culture Centre, Spriņģu ielā 4, Līgatne.

Rural Communities Parliament “Creation of precondition for development of small towns and rural areas”




Project Manager, Latvian Rural Forum
+371 28855427
+371 29814984


Project Manager of LAPAS
+371 26337320


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